Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is available from 7:50am. Please see our ‘Extended Provision’ page for more details.
Start of School Day
Registration begins at 8.45 each day. Children should arrive on the playground between 8.35am and 8.40am.
Late Arrivals
All children arriving after 8.45am will need to report to the main reception and will be registered as late. This will appear on your child’s attendance record. Please try to ensure your child arrives on time.
Lunch takes places from 12:00noon – 1:00pm daily. During this time there is opportunity for children to eat their lunch and play outside with friends from their own class as well as other year groups.
End of the Day
School closes at 3:15pm when children should be collected promptly.
After School Care
After School Care is available until 6pm. Please see our ‘Extended Provision’ page for more details