With a clear understanding of the importance of being able appreciate, respond to, perform and compose music as essential life skills, Airy Hill is committed to a rich and ambitious music curriculum. Drawing upon the musical skills, knowledge and experience of the school and its community, supported by a coherently structured, engaging and progressive scheme of work, we create a varied and ambitious programme of musical activities and events. With a clear commitment to music for all, we expose children to a wide range of musical genres, in order to stimulate interest and provide them with a broad and balanced musical vocabulary.
Pupils in all years will follow the music curriculum through lessons planned with the Music Express scheme resources. This is a rigorous and engaging resource, which includes a book and DVD for each year group. The resource provides a structured and progressive scheme of work for music, which develops children’s skills in singing, playing, listening and composing. Within a topic-based cross-curricular framework, each unit has a specific musical focus. Activities are selected and adapted to match the needs, interests and abilities of all children in the school.
Children, who would like to learn a particular musical instrument in depth, are encouraged to partake in individual or small group music lessons, taught by a specialised peripatetic music teacher. Throughout the curriculum, and through provision of extra-curricular activities, such as the choir, additional music lessons, involvement in community events and participation in music competitions, children will learn to perform in front of an audience. We have weekly singing assemblies, where children learn a range of songs, both traditional and modern, to continue school traditions and develop a sense of musical community and belonging. As well as the children, staff and other members of the school community are encouraged to perform, in order to share a rich variety of musical experience.
As a result, we strive towards children having a rich appreciation of a wide of musical genres and instruments (including voice), as listeners, composers and performers. This enables them to develop a broad understanding of music as a driver for cultural expression, creativity and community, as well as experience the positivity it can bring to themselves and others.