
The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. Its about understanding the complexity of our world.

Barack Obama

At Airy Hill Primary School, we believe that geography plays an important part in providing children with learning opportunities to explore the world in which we live. Through the geography curriculum, we aim to inspire children’s curiosities through investigative lessons, fieldwork opportunities and collaborative tasks.

At Airy Hill, as geographers, we study physical and human differences in relation to places, objects and materials in the world around them. Geographers at Airy Hill develop an awareness of distant places and environments, as well as an appreciation of other people and cultures. Children should be aware of the fragility of our planet and understand human impact and their responsibility in sustaining the environment.

Field Study is a crucial part of understanding geography. Children in Year 4 and Year 6 are given the opportunity to enrich their understanding on residential trips. Children in other year groups are encouraged to explore outside in our diverse location. This includes our fantastic forest school area and our beautiful local area!

What is the Progression Framework for Geography?

The Progression Statements have been adapted to the expected learning outcomes on the Long Term Plan. Each statement is accompanied by three’ What to look for’ descriptors. These are designed to support ongoing planning and teaching. The Framework sets out a sequence that illustrates progression and that can be used to make judgements about pupil achievements. The Framework is not intended to be definitive – it should be seen as indicative rather than prescriptive.

Some of the resources we use to support high-quality geography teaching


-National Geographic

-UK in maps atlases

-World map atlases

BBC Bitesize