Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Airy Hill Primary School is committed to:

  • Developing creative writers who can write with accuracy.
  • Acquiring children with the rules and tools to ensure their writing is clear and precise to communicate effectively.
  • Ensuring children have a secure understanding of their learning and can apply this in wider contexts.

SPaG is taught daily in discrete lessons and as part of English units, ensuring children are developing their skills in context with purpose.  Pupils are taught new skills Monday – Wednesday with sentence building as a focus Thursday – Friday. SPaG skills are carefully planned linking to the National Curriculum where pupils can develop new knowledge while consolidating previous skills. Pupils will discuss and practice these skills in depth, in order to apply them across the curriculum. These may also be added to working walls for pupils to refer to throughout their writing.

We have high expectations of pupils’ application of skills and presentation.


Handwriting is taught daily prior to writing. In EYFS, handwriting lessons take place as part of the Little Wandle programme where children learn to form the letters alongside developing their phonic skills.  This continues into Year 1 and 2 where they begin formal handwriting sessions which focus on the correct letter formation, correct starting points and writing on the line. Letters are taught using the following letter families.

Curly caterpillar Letter Family 

a d g o c s q f e 

Ladder Letter Family 

i j l t u y 

One armed Robot Letter Family 

b h r m k n p 

Zig Zag Letter Family 

v w x z 

From Year 3, Pupils will begin writing pre-cursive ensuring the correct entry and exit strokes. Pupils will be taught joined handwriting in Year 4 and continued in Year 5 and 6. We have high expectations of pupils’ handwriting across the curriculum.