School Vision and Mission

We are proud of our school’s vision and aims. These were developed with the whole school community.

Airy Hill: Vision, Values and Aims


Working together so every child succeeds.

Broad and exciting learning opportunities to achieve the best we can.

A rights respecting, nurturing and positive learning community.


  • Educates the whole child through a world class curriculum.
  • Emphasises the rights of everyone and the importance of community.
  • Works in partnership with parents, carers and all stakeholders, including the local community.
  • Nurtures all children and actively cares for their wellbeing and social and emotional development.
  • A curriculum that educates pupils about the wider world and different cultures.


We are resilient and tackle challenges.

We are polite and kind.

We are proud of our heritage.

We are confident and try new things.

We are happy and friendly.

We are artistic.

We respect the rights of others.

We represent the school at sports.

It is our pledge that your child will:

Go on overnight residentials

Have cultural experiences

Learn to play an instrument

Represent the school in the community

Understand other cultures and religions

Take part in termly visits outside of the school environment

Learn in a Forest School

Learn to swim

Visit the Capital City

Visit places of worship